About The Artist

Robby Hirst fell in love with photography and media creation at a very young age. At 9 he was volunteering at his family church running cameras that were larger than he was. At 12 he bought his first DSLR a cheap Pentax from Best Buy. It was all over at that moment. He photographed everything in sight.
At 16 he got a job photographing dog shows across the southern part of the U.S. However, it was in college at Baylor University that Robby found his passion for fine art photography. Studying under the world renrenowned Curtis Callaway, Robby developed a taste for media creation beyond the commercial field. Through many trips and hours working together with Curtis, Robby began to develop his own eye for the world.
Since then, Robby has photographed and filmed in 10+ countries across 4 continents from oceans to forests to mountains to deserts. Landscapes
and wildlife are the primary focus of his work with a dabble of travel
photography along the way. Based in the Pacific Northwest of the United States Robby
lives in the Deschutes National Forest surrounded by gorgeous landscapes.
“I will argue with anyone I have the best job on the face of
the earth! I love traveling the world with my wife at my side and a camera in my hand. I look forward to everyday getting to share slices of this amazing planet we live in for people to hang on their wall and appreciate the beauty of the world we all share.”